by Robert Shackles
July 26, 2001
Wanda--I saw a bar of this soap at an antique shop out there in Phoenix.
It was in original package [white wrapper with large P & G letters].
They were asking a lot of money for it so I didn't buy it. The[ P&
G ] stands for Proctor & Gamble and it was their original soap product.
Housewives used it mostly for washing clothes in Maytag and other wringer
washing machines. It was also used with a washboard and the person scrubbing
on the board would come to town on Saturday night with kinda red but really
clean hands.he-he It was a lye based product and it had
a clean smell but maybe a little to much so. With many poor people it served
as a deodorant. This is all we had when I was growing up in Sedalia
but it was the only clean thing I ever smelled when we were lucky enough
to get a bar. I guarantee it would get you clean. I suspected this
fellow was getting his soap as a government handout and he was clean.
We had a similar product in the military and it was called [GI soap].
I think it was the old P& G soap being made by Proctor &
Gamble for the military. We used it during our GI parties [scrubbing
the wooden floors with this soap and GI brushes just before a barracks
inspection. However we wouldn't use it to shower. We got our
soap at the PX mostly Lux. The guys who were broke were always borrowing
your soap. he-he. Called the buddy system! If I had a
bar of P&G soap I would use it just once for demonstration purposes
only. he-he