Memories of Mammaw by Connie Brooks Walk

Because we lived close to Mammaw and Poppy, we visited them
alot.  There were lots of Sunday dinners and anytime any of the
relatives came in, we always went to dinner because Mammaw
always said she had plenty and needed someone to help entertain!
 I can remember for every revival Mammaw always fed the preacher
and we always went to 'help entertain.' I always wanted to go and
eat, but wanted to leave because I got bored and mother would
always get upset with me.  Mammaw and Poppy always were at
church, whether it be Sundays, Wednesday night prayer meetings,
revivals or a Deacon's meeting or special suppers and dinners, they
were always there.

You could never come to Mammaw's and not eat - If you didn't
want to eat - don't come! At every dinner, she would have 4 or 5
desserts, 2-3 kinds of meat, 7-8 salads and vegetables and always
Hot Rolls - the best hot rolls anyone ever made!  I always was glad
when Karen came to Mammaw's because she always made
Coconut pie for her.  We had to make sure Karen got her piece
before anyone else could get any, because it was for her.  She
always made other things for different people.  I think my mom got
that idea from her, because every time we go to dinner, she has
fixed everybody a favorite!

Mammaw always made the best snickerdoodles and Choc. Chip
cookies, but  I remember most her Christmas candy - the divinity,
fudge and the always ' Martha Washington' that was saved for
special guests.  She would store boxes of this candy in the cold
room and bring out only for special guests. My mom also inherited
this because she makes boxes of cookies and candy at Christmas
to feed my basketball girls.

I remember playing dress-up with all of Mammaw's clothes and
hats.  We would dress up in all her clothes and shoes - and these
were her good stuff - not old stuff!  We would wear her jewelry and
clean her jewelry box out I  remember the earrings with changeable
colors that popped on and off - she had every color.  At Christmas
time, after everyone opened all their presents, we saved all the
wrapping paper and rewrapped things we'd find and have christmas
all over again..  We wrapped up anything we could find from jewelry
to dishes - I'm sure Mammaw never found all her stuff, but she
never complained.

 I can rememer the porch swing and the spirea bushes that lined
the porch, the grape vines and we played hide'n'seek and the
clothes lines that we covered with blankets to make our play
houses.  I can remember Poppy's old tractor that we all climbed
upon to get into his lap with his wide brim hat. It was an old "case"
tractor and a pretty orange, I think he had a big one and a little Ford
one?  I can still see Mammaw chasing and catching a chicken in
the chicken yard and how she would ring it's neck and it would flop
all over the ground. She always fried chicken better than anyone -
sometimes she would fry 4 or 5 because she wanted to be sure to
have enough.  I can remember walking down through the chicken
yard to get to the barn to see the old cow "Dolly"  - we had great
homemade icecream from her cream.  They used to 'smoke'their
own hams and bacon.  I can remember the ham gravyn biscuits
that mammaw used to fix.  I hadn't had that country ham for years
until we moved to California where we now live and Burger
Smokehouse has the same tasting country ham and bacon like
Mammaw and Poppy - It sure brought back lots of childhood
memories when we bought and cooked the ham.

I remember that Mammaw always used Oxydol detergent and she
always had pink towels in the bathroom.