Christmas in 1930's
Sedalia, Mo.
Every year sometime during the Christmas week Old Santa would hand out
sack of treats in front of the Salvation Army to kids. The treat
remember the most was a small paper sack that contained an oramge--some
nuts including what we called [nigger toes] and hard Christmas candy
My brothers Bill and Kenneth would find out what day this was going
happen and we would all go early to get in line. We all
went--Bill-Kenneth-myself-Charles-Johnny Carl--Richard and also our
cousins Freddy-Percy and Herman. I don't remember how long we
stood in
line but I can tell you this was a real treat to all of us.
My brothers and I found out on our own that Santa was a fake
because we
observed there would be a fat Santa one day and a skinny one the next
day on the street corners. Since he never came to our house this helped
us cope with the situation. This is a memory during the worst
time of
the great depression.
Since this treat was something we only got at Christmas and it was
highlight of our early Christmases I never pass up an opportunity to
make a contribution to the Salvation Army kettles.